I found the beautifully designed, electrically-bright new Paris Review Interviews in my stocking recently. This, from Saul Bellow: "I could not, with such an instrument as I developed in the first two books, express a variety of things i knew intimately. Those books, though useful, did not give me a form in which I felt comfortable." Earlier: "When I began to wrote Augie March, I took off many of these restraints. I think I took off too many, and went too far . . . "
For the record, I liked The Dangling Man a lot and couldn't get through The Victim. I also have never read Herzog and am now asking myself why.
This is such a great series. I used to hunt these down for Mark for gifts in used bookstores. It was always such a thrill to find one he didn't have. I like this new design.
Posted by: Carolyn | December 15, 2007 at 08:53 AM