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Awww again! Snow! Nice picture. I forgot how the snow lies like a strip of paint on each branch. ... ?


I totally forgot about that great Christmas music. Somehow, I feel more ownership over Charlie Brown music than Burl Ives or even Nat King Cole, which I do like, but it's not mine, it's like somebody else's. But Charlie Brown is mine and I relate to it. Maybe I'll download it today!!
Hey, I've been enjoying the photography.


Mandy--So you don't get too nostalgic: the snow has turned to ice on the sidewalks and side streets and walking is now a waddle. There were 100 accidents in the metro yesterday.

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    • I’m an actual advertising writer and aspiring fiction writer and memoirist. Unprintable Version combines my reading notebooks, thoughts on writing, and tiny essays about my life as a guy from Winona living in Minneapolis-Saint Paul. As an American, I am obligated to share my thoughts on movies, TV shows, music, and graphic design.