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While I'm tempted to question a number of your answers here -- or more accurately, what lead you to make these particular answers -- I'll just say this: Fenwick? Really?


I made those picks with my gut, so it might be a little hard to explain. But who doesn't love Fenwick? The charismatic underachieving, the vague yearning, the goofy gestures, he is how every drunk wants to appear to the world. It's interesting that my real life heroes/heroines aren't like Fenwick at all.


Okay, that makes sense.


And I will be Federer. You can pick your capris after every volley. And we will be the two nicest sportsmen.


What makes you identify with Ford? I'm not enough up on my history--inspite of being a history major--to know.


Block-headed, somewhat boring Midwestern guy who was trying to do the right thing. Not that I try to do the right thing, but I sometimes flatter myself. Ford's Presidency followed my Dad's death and even by Presidential standards, he was very Dadlike. SUbstantively, he represents a kind of Republicanism which is out of favor everywhere but my fevered head. He described himself as a fiscally conservative, socially moderate Internationalist. But the tie is emotional, not political.

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    • I’m an actual advertising writer and aspiring fiction writer and memoirist. Unprintable Version combines my reading notebooks, thoughts on writing, and tiny essays about my life as a guy from Winona living in Minneapolis-Saint Paul. As an American, I am obligated to share my thoughts on movies, TV shows, music, and graphic design.