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Lovely post, even for someone who has never read Updike. ;) There is a copy of one of the Rabbit books in the studio here. I was thinking of picking it up, but now I'll wait until I can get one of those earlier books.


Is this you, Mandy? I can usually tell by the IP if the comment comes through as unsigned but this one didn't line up with your previous comments. Still, I think I only know two people who might be in studios right now and Sari claims no internet access.


Weird. Yep, 'tis I.



Just wanted to say: this was a really great post. Top notch.

Plus, didn't know where else to slag you for adding the Haynes bio-pic to your "Enthusiasms." I thought it was incredibly tired: not half so weird as Masked & Anonymous and trying too hard to deliberately riff on the Pennebaker and Scorsese docs (while adding little actual riff). But maybe I should give it another try?

Of course, I liked the Rabbit novels, too--or at least the first two, which are as far as I got through that epic.

So maybe I'm just the weird man in this crowd?


I should check out the movies you mentioned. You'll also notice a new omnibus comments jar for just this sort of thing. I actually posted it at pretty much exactly the same time you posted your comment.

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    • I’m an actual advertising writer and aspiring fiction writer and memoirist. Unprintable Version combines my reading notebooks, thoughts on writing, and tiny essays about my life as a guy from Winona living in Minneapolis-Saint Paul. As an American, I am obligated to share my thoughts on movies, TV shows, music, and graphic design.