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Thank you for this. What a lovely and thoughtful meditation, just the kind of clear-eyed intelligence I came to expect from you in grad school workshops. And to say my book is brave! This makes my day, K. It makes my year.


I remembered from an interview you did that you started this in February of our third year, which so impressed me, because I was floundering through my thesis at the time. And I said to myself: why didn't I start something new, but I've since realized: I had two things in the works that i really didn't want to abandoned, that weren't in any sense practice. I've started something new now and I'm eager to keep working on it.


Ditto. I'm proud to have been in the same program as Shearn because she makes us look good. Plus, I'm proud of her. Plus, it's a really good book.
I'm glad you gave that piece of Maria advice. I've felt weird abandoning the nonfiction manuscript (momentarily or not) in pursuit of the novel, but I'm much more excited about the novel. And that's what matters. Everything I poured into that nonfiction puke is helping me now!


Read enough of your thesis to know it's not puke, but I know what you mean about how writing fiction is more exciting somehow.


Of course the book's pov is "a third person perforated with other points of view." I had been calling it "omniscient." You're right as usual, man.


Amy tends to create the impression of omniscient narration by actually being close to omniscient.

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