In this tumultuous world, there was one verity: new suburban movie theaters sucked. The very word “multiplex’ conjured instant images of grease euphemized as buttered topping, the triumph of cost-benefit analysis, philistinism in a box, theaters with the charm of cattle chutes and the wholesale destruction of everything that made movies magical. So E and I very reluctantly drove up to Roseville to the new AMC theaters because we wanted to see Ghost Town and it was the closest place it was showing. But here’s the deal: the new theaters in Rosedale are awesome. The seats are comfortable; they ascend at a steep enough angle so you can see; and the pictures are big and beautiful. And after seeing the images of Central Park, and the Met, and the Upper East Side, we now totally want to go to New York again .
And how was the movie? I've gotta say it's looks absolutely unappealing to me. But speaking of popcorn, one of my favorite moments of that, was at a movie theatre in La Crosse, I believe. Bill and I were there to see something, and the concession worker asked if I wanted "golden topping" on my popcorn. Bill still references that.
Posted by: Kootch | September 28, 2008 at 08:31 PM
Both E and I liked it a great deal. The whole kind of ascerbic to mushy transition was very 1940s, in a good way. That said, it might not be your cup of tea although you'd think that, since I've known you since junior high, I could speak more confidently to that question.
Posted by: K | September 28, 2008 at 09:12 PM